What is a condo nazi?

This webpage http://www.condomadness.info/condo_nazis.html offers a pretty good definition of a condo nazi from which we copied an extract below:

"A Condo Nazi, or a Condo Dictator, is a director—usually the president—whose objectives and business manners are counterproductive to the welfare of the community. Personal characteristics are different in every case. However, here is a list of traits that would point to a director whose personality is too dictatorial or confrontational for the good of his or her condo.

1.  A president or director who feels that they cannot be replaced.
2.  A director who spends a good deal of time in the management office.
3.  Good managers and staff quit because they don’t want to work under
     this person.
4.  A director who constantly wants to fire employees or replace contractors.
5.  Other directors resign rather than work with this person.
6.  A director who is quick to sic the corporation lawyer on an owner.
7.  The president makes decisions without waiting for the board’s approval.
8.  A president who takes over the manager’s job.
9.  A president makes decisions without informing the board."

We could add to this list:

10. A president or director showing obvious pleasure and taste for creating and imposing ludicrous, overblown and abusive rules and regulations as perfectly illustrated by the wording of the recent SMOKING RULE.

Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator (1940)

Gawker.com summarizes in one of its articles titled The Horror of Homeowners' Associations:

"HOAs are organizations that have become somewhat infamous for imposing arbitrary fines and liens on unpopular or "rogue" homeowners, making shit up as they go along, treating people unfairly, enforcing strict adherence to their rules, collecting fees, and acting irrationally or illegally. The people who sit on their boards are often petty, vindictive, utterly incompetent, and/or control-freakish."

The condo nazi, condo dictator or condo fascist, whatever you want to call it, is unfortunately a widespread phenomenon and for some reasons especially here in Florida. Some people must have way too much time on their hands. Maybe they should look into going fishing.

Coral Point Condominium Fort Lauderdale had been spared so far and overall things were going pretty well.

Unfortunately since late 2014 things seem to be taking a turn fro the worse as illustrated by the SMOKING RULE, the GUEST RULE, the parking violation stickers, the coming fine committee, etc

Note that the term nazi here is to be taken in its satirical sense, absolutely nothing historical or political, just like it is used on the famous Seinfeld show where the hysterical soup nazi played an hilarious part. Find below the best of video of the soup nazi.


  1. It looks as if you have to much time on your hands

  2. Here in New York we call them condo gestapo :) I go down to South Florida twice a year to visit my aunt and she too has to deal with absurd rules and regulations although not as bad, at least there I can smoke wherever I want and no one ever asked how long I was visiting. Also it's a much bigger complex than the one you describe, I think it's a bit over five hundred units. Anyway good luck with that!

  3. Agreed, except for the "nazi" references. For a small condo, way too many rules and way too much power for one person "Doug". The rules are getting out of hand and I feel like I'm being watched ever time I go outside. Worse condo I have ever lived in.

  4. You can't escape these type of people! It's not just FL it's all over the country. Big ego's and little penis's. I feel your pain!
